Friability Tester

Friability testing made easy​

This microprocessor-controlled automated tablet friability testing device for single or dual drums is compliant with USP and EP requirements. Featuring convenient front loading of tablets and automatic discharge after test completion, the FT2 is easy to use with an LCD display and scroll-down menus, and flexible operation including timer, counter or speed modes.

The qualification procedure is fully menu-guided with a printed report.

  • Choice of operating and data entry modes
  • Tablet weights can be entered manually, or automatically with connection to a balance
  • Post-run samples are automatically discharged without removing the drum
  • As per USP, 10° tilt built into the base of the instrument
  • Supports abrasion drum
  • Calculation of percent friability and test report printed as per GMP/GLP requirements
  • QC in pharmaceutical industry
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