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Previous Next The essentials Diane J. Burgess Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Pharmaceutics University of Connecticut BE & USP4 – AAPS 2019 interview page AAPS 2019 Samir Haddouchi Managing Director | SPS Pharma Services China + CRO + NIKYANG Yu Zhao, Yolanda Zhao Bioequivalence Experimenter | NIKYANG Overview: BE and USP 4 in China Carmen Guguta Product Manager |

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Manual Disintegration Tester Manual tablet disintegration tester with two stations The DT2 is a very easy-to-use and flexible disintegration tester with reliable temperature control. It records and reports disintegration times individually per sample or as a completed set. Two stations can be controlled, started, and stopped individually and allow performing 2 tests independently. Two independent testing stations with automated lift-in

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Benchtop Solutions

Application Crystallization With increasing economic demands, it is becoming progressively more important to gain additional information on drug candidates early in the development cycle. Better informed decision can be made during the selection of candidates if further solid state information is available – saving time and money later on in the development process. But early stage drug candidates are difficult

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Automated Tablet Processing Workstation Sample preparation and analysis for solid dosage forms and intermediate granulations The TPW Tablet Processing Workstation from SOTAX performs fully automated sample preparation and analysis for the most common pharmaceutical tests in Development and Quality Assurance functions, such as Stability and Uniformity testing. The TPW is specifically designed to prepare and analyse pharmaceutical solid dosage forms

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Fully automated sample preparation and analysis for common API tests Automated Active Ingredient Processing Workstation The APW Active Ingredient Processing Workstation from SOTAX performs fully automated sample preparation and analysis for the most common Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) tests in pharmaceutical Development and Quality Assurance functions, such as Stability and Uniformity testing. Fully automated sample preparation provides fast, consistent and

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Automatic media preparation to speed up dissolution testing Media Preparation Station for dissolution media When USP 1, 2, 4, 5 & 6 dissolution tests are carried out, the preparation of the media and its degassing, tempering and accurate metering into the test vessels involves substantial effort. The SOTAX MPS (Media Preparation Station) automates these tasks, permitting the efficient preheating and

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SOTAX 过滤器 更换


Automated workstation for rapid filter changing Automated filter change workstation Suitable for all SOTAX dissolution systems, this automated filter workstation automates filter changes after each sampling point for extended testing and media change methods. The standalone FS provides reliable filter changes and solves the filter clogging and saturation problems commonly associated with 25 mm diameter filters. Online or offline usage:

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Tap Density Tester The most flexible Tap Density Tester for EP, ASTM, USP I and USP 2 Tests​ SOTAX TD1 comes with new housing in contemporary silver design. It measures the tapped density and tapped volumes of powders, granules, pellets, flakes and other bulk substances according to EP, ASTM and USP regulations. This technique is useful in powder compression and

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快速手动硬度测试系统 采用最新技术轻松完成精确且快速的测试 MT50 使得片剂硬度测试比以前更加轻松,其先进特性使您的手动操作同样简便和高效。 无论是基本的硬度测试还是多参数测量 (重量、厚度、宽度、直径 / 长度及硬度),MT50 都能提供可靠的测试数据,并自动评价,轻松满足及符合规范的要求。先进的电子元件和耐用的机械部件实现高精度且用户友好的测试过程,是各种质量控制和研发实验室的理想之选。   最新的 「FastTest™」 技术实现从集成厚度仪和外部分析天平收集数据,自动精确评价结果并给出报告  通过 EasyTouch™ 实现快速直观的操作,并提供三种测试模式使 MT50 适应不同的要求: 1. FullTest™ – 自动评价测试结果 2. EasyTest™ – 简单输入样品尺寸 3. SingleTest™ – 快速测试单一片剂 专业设计可用于任何形状和尺寸的片剂测试,通过快速舌板可轻松进行片剂定位,优化的下槽设计省去操作等待时间 技术指标 5 个参数:重量、厚度、宽度、直径 / 长度及硬度 完全符合现行 USP (1217 章节:片剂脆碎力) 及 EP (2.9.8 章节:片剂破碎阻力) 规定 可选配 「FastTest™」 用于标准和快速模式 3 级用户管理系统防止未授权的访问 尺寸:404mm (宽) x 177mm (高) x 288mm (深) 重量:9.5kg 主要应用领域 药物硬度测试

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Manual Tablet Hardness Tester Conducting easy, precise and fast test with new technology​ It becomes much easier to perform tablet hardness test with MT50. By integrating advanced features, you can now enjoy simplicity, efficiency even from a manual operation. No matter from a basic hardness test to multi-parameter measurement (weight, thickness, width, diameter / length, hardness), the MT50 provides highly

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